Shibari for Tranquility

Shibari for Tranquility

When I was kid, I used to see a poster on a store. It showed a mansion and three luxury cars. The caption read: “Decisions, decisions, decisions”. Well, I grew up to that person. I have a mansion, and a dozen cars, a yacht, and a private helicopter. And it is all because I make decisions, quick, tough, and right decisions. That’s why I need Shibari for tranquility.

You see, the average top executive has nine minutes to make decision. That means that in nine minutes you have to decide whether you spend millions of dollars launching a product into the market, or if you’re going to discontinue a brand that’s been there for decades. In only nine minutes, you can open the corporate sky for someone and hiring them for your team, or you can throw someone into the corporate hell of staff cut. Nine minutes.

That’s very stressful. And that’s my job. So, I need something to regain my balance. I don’t want to try medications, and regular therapies, such as yoga, can only do so much. That’s when Shibari comes into the picture.

When I feel I’m about to lose control. I take a day on my yacht. I tell the captain to go into the sea. And then, Sakura, mi private Shibari master, ties me skillfully. Then, the crew puts me into the tip of a lever, which is then placed above the sea. And that’s my tranquility spot.

In that moment, I’m alone above the ocean. I’m one with the sea. I’m in the exact point between the sky and the water. And I’m one with the whole planet. That’s my Shibari for tranquility and, after an hour there, I’m ready to tackle all the challenges of my life, again.

This is my Shibari story.

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