Shibari Party

It was crazy from the beginning! I mean, it all began with a book club, can you believe it? I was in college, totally stressed out, and I joined a book club with the idea of meeting nice people. Also, I wanted to talk about something totally unrelated to Odontology, which was my major. How did it all end up in A Shibari party? Let me explain.
I was totally in love with Wesley Snipes back then. Gimme a chance! It was 1993. Anyway, the point is that we had all seen the movie, and so we thought it would be interesting to read the novel as well. This way, we could compare them. The group was almost equally divided between those who thought the book is always better, and those —including me— who were willing to give the movie a chance.
So, we read the novel, and two weeks later we were all at the house of one of the members. The first catalyst for the party was the fact that there was nobody in the house except us. Imagine that, a dozen college students with a lot of stress. The second catalyst was that someone opened the minibar.
Then, we got to the point of erotic asphyxiation, which plays a very important part in the plot of the movie. We started talking about fetishes and deviations. Before we knew, we were all confessing our kinkiest desires.
Now, erotic asphyxiation sounded too risky, not to mention that it might be illegal. So, we focused on bondage. It turned out that the owners of the house had a boat and, consequently, there were some ropes available for us.
What we did was probably very stupid, from an objective point of view, but it was tons of fun!, not to mention that, personally, I found the idea of restraint extremely sexy.
The book club died that night, but my affection for bondage had just begun.
That was my Shibari party.