Shibari Silence

Once upon a time, there was a great warrior whose name was Hushu. He was very strong and intelligent. There was no mountain he couldn’t climb; no bear he couldn’t defeat; no old man he couldn’t fool; and no young woman who didn’t love him. He had a wife and four children. And he enjoyed planting the seed of a new child in his woman’s womb every autumn. However, something tortured him at night, and ruined his food. He didn’t know what it was, until he learned about the Shibari silence.
Hushu loved his woman. But he never told her that he did because words got stuck in his mouth and he would speak foolishly, like a kid. Therefore, even when they were together, in the close embrace in which children are made, he wouldn’t say anything to her. His woman suffered because of this. And Hushu didn’t know how to amend things. He would have rather fight a bear or two.
Then, a wiseman he found on a road told him that his woman would leave him unless he showed her how much he loved her. Hushu complained about his difficulty with words. But the wiseman said that he didn’t need to speak to succeed. Instead, if he tied her, the Shibari silence would speak for him, and his woman would understand. For this advice, the old man asked for a fresh fish. And Hushu bought it for him, even though he wasn’t sure about his claims.
It was autumn, and Hushu wanted to plant a new seed in his woman’s womb. However, he remembered the words of the wiseman and decided to tie his woman first. He did the scene just as the man on the road had told him to do it. And he didn’t say a word. He tried to listen to the Shibari silence, and he would have sworn he heard it speaking to him.
That night, his woman was more tender than usual. That’s how Hushu knew that the man from the road hadn’t lied about the Shibari silence.