When I’m Up There

When I’m Up There

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When I’m up there, on the ropes, time stops. Indeed, it is all here, at the reach of my hand. I can bring back any memory I want, even the most forgotten one. Up here, regardless of time, it is all present. And I can see the future as well. Somehow, I feel confident that things will come out exactly the way I expect them to. And I surely feel overjoyed with hope.

When I’m up there, no ne can hurt me. I can trust my rigger in a way I wouldn’t trust anyone else. He cares for me. And I can stop worrying about my safety. It’s a great load to take off your shoulders, believe me. And the peace I feel once I know I’m safe is priceless. It is my own personal oasis of serenity.

When I’m up there, it all makes sense. Every moment in my life has been an anticipation of this moment. And whatever might be in the future is already here. And it’s all good, and it’s all beautiful.

In those moments, I feel great with myself. I stop judging me, hurting me, mocking my dreams. Actually, I feel beautiful. I feel capable. And I know that, all in all, my life has been wonderful all along.

Up there, there are no questions and no answers. Everything is what it has to be. I can feel the inner logic of the universe. And I’m part of it. And that revelation almost makes me cry with joy.

When I’m up there, I’m one. I don’t feel disjointed or broken anymore. On the contrary, I feel I own me, and that’s a big deal. I can feel every inch of my body, and I can feel it working for me.

In a word, everything is fine. 

I wish I never had to come down.

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