Shibari and Fun

Shibari and fun might not sound like a good combination, at first. Shibari requires concentration and a strong commitment to safety. So, it seems like there’s no room for fun in such an activity. However, any experience improves with a touch of humor. And Shibari is no exception.
For example, when you’re planning a scene, even though most people will prefer something sensual, you might wanna try something positively silly. After all, laughter is relaxing, and fun has proven positive effects on your health. So, why not including them on a scene? You don’t have to be over the top. Quite the opposite, it might be enough with including a tongue in cheek touch to make your scene work better.
If you’re role playing, it is also easy to add a light touch. For example, a simple exercise that is almost guaranteed to make you laugh is inverting roles. Making an imitation of your partner, exaggerating just a little bit, might show you things you didn’t know about yourselves. And will do so in a non-hostile way.
It is important to mention that for humor to work it should be cheerful. If you play too ironic, and use jokes as a means for criticism, the scene will most probably end up in an argument. On the other hand, making a little bit of fun of yourselves and taking things playfully can work marvels.
Good humor relaxes your muscles, which might make for a better bondage scene. Additionally, it puts your body chemistry on the positive side. So, even when it sounds funny, good humor is no joke, after all.
Ending a scene with a pillow fight or tickles might be a good choice, especially if it helps you and your partner relax. Jokes and props can also be useful for this purpose.
In any case, enjoy your scenes, have fun together, and embrace each other through ropes. Shibari and fun mix well.