Shibari at College

Shibari at college is not a bad idea. After all, college students are young and beautiful. Moreover, they are not underage, and they have the stamina and the open mind to try almost any kink in the catalog. However, it is not exactly a bed of roses. That’s why, in this article, we offer some important advice for a better experience for all participants involved.
First of all, do not assume that everyone is as kinky as you want them to be. In high school, most of your classmates come from backgrounds similar to yours, whereas in college, diversity increases. You will find people of different aspects, beliefs, and values. This means, among many other things, that attitudes toward kink will vary from a complete enthusiasm for alternative lifestyles to an active rejection of anything deviant. And you must respect that. So, before becoming the kinky clown of the class, explore the ground a little bit.
Secondly, be honest, always. If you’re about to engage in intercourse or any other activity, always tell the truth about what you want and what would make you feel uncomfortable. Honesty is the best currency when it comes to social relationships. Nobody likes liars or hypocrites. Never forget that.
Third, remember that in college, most people are going through an affirmation of their personalities. Therefore, do not hurt anyone’s self-identity. The good news is that, in kink, there’s actually a very effective way to achieve this, and that’s SSC. Remember, if you keep your relationships safe, sane, and consensual, there is no way you can go wrong.
Finally, have fun. Enjoy! You’re young and beautiful, and the world is yours! Enjoy it. And if that includes ropes, some knots, and a venerable Japanese tradition of restraint and art, all the better.
Now you know what you need about Shibari at college.