Shibari on Social Media

Social media has become a part of our lives, whether we like it or not. Some people spend up to six hours a day browsing their profiles. And, having no social media is like living on a desert island. So, what about Shibari on social media? How does it perform? Here’s what we found out.
Facebook doesn’t like Shibari. Period. By this time, we all know just how vanilla and prude this social platform can be. So, it comes as no surprise that it doesn’t welcome posts and images related to bondage.
Things change on Instagram. Being a visual network, it’s sort of the ideal platform for Shibari. There aren’t still many pictures related to bondage, as compared to favorite topics, such as food, travel, and girls wearing bikinis or latex. However, it is a promising country, waiting to be conquered by Shibari.
Shibari is barely taking its first steps on TikTok. There’s a lot of potential, though, since bondage is the kind of visually stunning activity that is ideal for a short video. Eve, from Shibari Academy, has done some experiments on the platform, and they have been quite successful.
Finally, Twitter is a good place for Shibari, since it is on the “anything goes” side of the censorship spectrum. The problem with it, as any content creator for the now-called X social platform knows, is that it’s a place where it all happens too much, too quickly. Considering the effort of performing and filming a Shibari a scene, against its brief duration on the platform, it might not be a good idea to use this platform.
We can conclude that, when it comes to Shibari on social media, the best choices are Instagram and Twitter. TikTok might become important in the future, and Facebook, well… it is what it is, and we love it, anyway.