Talent for Shibari

Talent for Shibari

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In any human activity, there are those who are better at it and those who don’t possess an adequate profile. This is more evident in art, where natural talents play a heavier role. While in other activities, which you can learn and improve by practicing. Shibari is an art, therefore, it is important to know if you have a talent for it. This will help you know what is the best option for you. Some may not have what it takes to move beyond being an occasional bondage enthusiast, whereas others might have everything they need to be the next great bondage artist.

First of all, a true Shibari artist must have a privileged touch. Anyone can tell the difference between a harsh rope and a soft one. But, in Shibari, tactile talent goes way beyond those basic notions. If you are able to distinguish different textures and weights and, more importantly, if you enjoy the feel of both fabrics and skin, Shibari might be your ideal vehicle for expression.

Another important element is that you have to be very skilled with your fingers. People who have trouble tying their shoelaces will never have the necessary skills to tie a person. Likewise, they won’t make an enjoyable experience out of it. Moreover, you should know how to use both hands and have fine motor skills. In other words, you must be capable of doing precise, difficult movements with both, your fingers and your hands.

Visualization is key when it comes to Shibari. A true bondage artist can see how the bottom will look by the end of the scene, even before tying the first knot. This is a common requirement for any kind of art. And this is because such works exist only in the artist’s imagination before they become real.

Touch, skill, and imagination are the true marks of a bondage artist.

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