Shibari Stops Time

Shibari Stops Time

Julie is one of the best bottoms I’ve ever worked with. She’s passionate about our scenes, and she’s a very kind person offstage. However, she’s always a little bit sad, lately. You see, she used to be gorgeous. I mean, really gorgeous! She showed me a few pictures from the time she worked as a model, back in the 90s, and she was awesome. Not just that she was hot as hell, but she was also extremely sexy and passionate. When you see the pictures, it’s as if she were playing a character or something. With her, Shibari stops time. Plain awesome!

She’s fifty-something now. I think she’s very good looking for a woman her age. I’ve told her. But she knows just how extraordinarily beautiful she was when she was younger, and she can’t help comparing herself now and then, and feeling sad. 

That’s why she came to me. She did a Shibari scene or two when she was a model. But it never went beyond a pose and a couple of knots. Things are different now. There are many professional riggers, who really know the techniques. I’m one of them. Proud to be. I like to work with amateurs, and also outside the bondage community. I like to be part of the journey of those who are discovering Shibari.

Julie is one of the best bottoms I’ve ever worked with. She lacks technique, but she compensates it with commitment and a passion for our art. Moreover, she enjoys the stillness more than anything else. She says it stops time. When she concentrates, she doesn’t feel pain anymore; she doesn’t feel tired anymore. She says Shibari stops time.

I can’t tell you how beautiful she looks when she’s all tied up. Somehow, her youth comes back to the surface. Not only that, her years of experience shine in her eyes, and give her an enigmatic look, which she didn’t have when she was young.

This is our Shibari story.

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