
Shibari for Inspiration

I have the greatest job on earth: they pay me to be creative. My ideas are worth money, and everything I have, I owe to my imagination. I work in an advertising agency, and, if I wanted to, I could get a job in another one, and they would pay twice my current salary. But…
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The Mysterious Rigger

I know it sounds odd, but what could I do? On the one hand, I am a professor: I studied for years, I’ve accumulated hundreds of teaching hours, and I have over a dozen publications under my belt. On the other hand, since I first learned about Shibari, when I was in college and my…
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Productivity Bonus

Productivity Bonus He is lazy. I love him, but he is lazy. Not couch potato kind of lazy, but, if I had to define him in one word, it would be “procrastination”. More than once he has struggled to meet his deadlines —he works as a graphic designer—. And I have tried a dozen ways…
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A Different Threesome

I am an escort. I’m not ashamed of saying it. I’m good at what I do, I have an exciting life, and I make tons of money, so why should I feel ashamed? It is a job, just like any other. I try to benefit from my unique qualities, just like any other professional does.…
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Shibari as a Personal Prowess

I wanted to be the only one. I know it doesn’t sound good. I know many people will say that such an attitude is possessive, unhealthy, and a sign of insecurity. And yet, many of those same people would also want to be the only one. Because, when you’re in love, in love like you’ve…
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Unconventional Opportunity

I came for the money and stayed for the joy, simple as that. There’s a link between Shibari and joy. I mean, I should start at the beginning, so that you understand how I came to this unconventional opportunity, so here it goes. I’m a male model. Yes, I know it sounds odd, but, in…
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Shibari for Depression

I felt depressed, really depressed. It was one of those days when everything seemed gray, old, and meaningless. My friends took me out for a girl’s night. Even that didn’t seem to be enough to lift my spirits. We decided to try something different, and we ended up in a Shibari performance show. I didn’t…
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A Journey to Connection

I’m a very competitive person. More than you can imagine. I always have to win, no matter what. I don’t care about the prize, if there is any, I have to prove that I can do it better than anyone else. Better than you. I would have never imagined that Shibari would take me in…
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Shibari and Instagram

I would have never done it, but she asked me to. And I just can’t say no to her. I like to keep things for myself, especially the things that happen when we are alone, but she’s a few years younger and she firmly believes we should share our joy with the world. Who can…
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Forget 50 Shades

Forget 50 Shades. It is not sexy. It is dumb. Let’s be honest, it just didn’t get it. It took things literally, and when pain is pain, and submission is submission, there’s nothing sexy about it. You see, I know this because I practice Shibari, the ancient Japanese art of tying and getting tied. I…
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