Common Mistakes during Aftercare

Just like in any other activity, there are some common mistakes in Shibari. After all, it is a human activity, and we humans are “wonderfully fallible”, as a very wise person said. But, wonderful as they are, we all prefer not to make mistakes. That’s why in this article we have compiled some of the most common mistakes during aftercare, once a Shibari scene has finished, so that you can be aware of and avoid them.
Mistakes can occur during the preparation, the development, and even the aftercare of a scene. Some of them, of course, are more serious than others, but you should try to avoid all of them.
Common mistakes during aftercare begin with a lack of proper aftercare. Just as there are many people with the hideous habit of going to sleep once intercourse is over, there are bondage practitioners who lose interest in their partner once the scene has finished. However, for a fully satisfactory experience, partners should stay together for a while after the end of the scene.
We should also mention that the quality of the aftercare is not so much a matter of time as it is a matter of involvement. Absent partners won’t do much for each other, even if they are in the same room for hours. On the other hand, fifteen minutes of intense denouement can work wonders for all the participants in a scene.
Aftercare has an emotional aspect, as well as a physical one. In bodily terms, it is the moment to check if there was any undesired injury. As for the emotional part, partners should discuss what they have just experienced, both as a way of getting feedback, and as a means of sharing and interpreting what they’ve just been through.
Now that you know which are the most common mistakes during aftercare, avoid them at all costs.