Reasons for Quitting Shibari

We all enjoy Shibari. However, for some people, it might be the moment to leave it behind. There are several reasons for quitting Shibari, and openly discussing them might be helpful for those considering it. That’s why today we decided to post this article.
The most obvious reason for quitting Shibari is health. Just like anybody else, bondage practitioners become older. And, sometimes, this means that the person cannot meet the demands of a rope scene any longer. This can be due to a chronic condition, previous injuries, or plain old age. In any case, when a qualified doctor advises a person to quit bondage, they better listen. Of course, people can do this gradually, by undertaking less difficult scenes, and later quitting altogether. This might make the whole process easier for the person.
Another reason for quitting Shibari might be the development of different interests. Human beings inevitably become tired of the same thing. And this can happen even to an activity as fascinating as bondage. Some rope lovers leave bondage for a while, only to come back later with greater enthusiasm. For some of our readers, this might be exactly what they need.
Changing locations can also be a strong reason against Shibari. People get attached to the studios and professionals within their area. It might be the case that they move to a place where there are not as many Shibari studios as in their previous location—or not at all. Unfortunately, good Shibari studios are not available around the corner. And this can be a serious obstacle sometimes.
Finally, people can develop a “been there, done that” feeling toward bondage. As rare as it may be, since most rope lovers remain fascinated with it throughout their lives, it is a feeling that should be respected by those around the person.
We hope you never quit bondage. But, if you’re considering it seriously, we hope this article made it easier for you to come to a decision.
Can you think of more reasons for quitting Shibari?