Place des Cordes

Place des Cordes

Founded in 2013, La Place des Cordes started as a simple monthly jam in Paris. After a year, it became a place devoted full-time to the practice of ropes. La Place des Cordes imparts workshops, classes and performance evenings with the best rope practitioners in the world. It is a place to practice rope and a place of personal development.

La Place des Cordes was opened during 4 years and became a legendary studio. Finally, it closed its door in June 2018, after the community quarreled and the place became finaically endangered. This lead to a change in the purpose and focus of the company. Now, their business is the import and export of ropes and accessories. Needless to say, they offers a great variety in their catalogue.

La Place des Cordes has the largest catalogue of strings dedicated to the practice of Shibari. It is the exclusive distributor of Malaya in Europe. It offers a selection of 4 Jutes, Ogawa, Nawaya, MyNawashi and Amastunawa, and 2 hemp ropes. These ropes of great quality, treated with organic and vegan oils, are the result of 5 years of careful monitoring and testing.

In La Place des Cordes you will find ropes, string cutter, wooden hanging rings, artisanal balm for the maintenance of ropes, jojoba oil for rope treatment, photo books, DVD, and more. You can shop online and expect delivery within 5 to 20 days after payment.

You will also find an online workshop that includes 16 episodes that cover all the fundamentals of the practice of ropes. It includes the history of Shibari to safety and a good dose of technique. In the workshop, you will find the answers to all the questions about Shibari that most people have once they are starting.

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