Bondage during Lockdown

We were all afraid during lockdown, and we can talk openly about it. However, we were also really bored. However, that’s not something you should say, because it sounds insensitive. And yet, I think it’s time to acknowledge that practicing bondage during lockdown is what brought the fun back.
Well, I’ll say it: It was boring. I mean drop-dead boring during those weeks. There was nothing to do; everything in the media was bad news, and we had already counted each crack and spot on the wall… twice.
So, we started looking for something else to do. We wanted something fun, easy, and preferably sexy. After all, we could use all those hours together with a lot of free time for a good purpose, if you know what I mean. And that’s when we discovered Shibari.
Shibari is the Japanese art of bondage. All you need to begin is a set of ropes and a willingness to learn. And you can do it at home.
We started with simple things—you know, single knots and easy patterns. And that’s one of the great things about Shibari: even if you do something easy, it is fun and sexy.
Of course, we made a lot of mistakes at first, but it was all great fun! So, we didn’t care. I mean, you do have to pay a lot of attention to safety issues, because there are some risks involved, but it is a process in which you and your partner go together each step of the way. We got to know each other better, and we also learned to improve our communication and express our emotions more openly.
And all it takes is a set of ropes and a lot of study. There’s a lot of material on the Internet, like the free course from Shibari Academy, and if you really put yourself into it, you’ll get good results. Doing bondage during lockdown was fun. So, we’ll keep at it.
So, even though lockdown is over—which is great!, my boyfriend and I still practice Shibari. It’s one of those things that, once you try it, you never let it go.