It All Began with Shoelaces

When and how did you start being kinky? That’s an interesting question. And I always ask it to my friends, or to the people I want to be friends with. For me, it all began with shoelaces. I’ll tell you how.
Shoelaces are the most common and cheapest kind of rope. You probably hadn’t seen it that way before I told you, but it’s true. They are so humble that we forget about them, but there they are.
Once, when I was in high school, I had the silly idea of tying two shoelaces around my foot. You know how it is when you’re a teenager; you dream of creating some stupid fashion and make everybody else follow you. I tied the second shoelace around my ankle, and all the way up the calf.
It worked! I don’t know why, but I felt sexy. Before I knew it, I was buying extra pairs of shoelaces like a maniac and trying different patterns and knots. Then, one day, I tied my lower left leg and my left thigh together, and it was magic. I felt it was the sexiest thing I had ever done. It was like forcing myself to open that which they had always taught me to keep closed.
It was so pleasurable that the next time I got to spend quality time with my boyfriend, I asked him to do it with both my legs. He did, and that was the best sex I’d ever had up until that moment.
Later, I found out that this particular way of tying the leg was called “futomomo,” and that it was part of the ancient Japanese art of bondage, which is called Shibari.
I’ve tried many different Shibari knots and positions now. I am a bondage expert. And let me tell you something, it is as good as it was the first time!
Can you believe it all began with shoelaces?
This is my Shibari story.