Shibari Fantasies

Kink is the land of imagination. It is through sheer creativity that kinky people deviate from what’s conventional and traditional. Shibari is no exception to this principle, of course. Any bondage enthusiast will tell you that it is about a lot more than ropes. Therefore, Shibari fantasies are very common. They can make a scene sexier, more fun, or more meaningful for its participants. We asked some rope enthusiasts about their fantasies. And here’s what they said:
Sheila: “I’m an empowered woman. But I also like being submissive. My fantasy is about being a warrior—you know, an Amazon or something like that. I like to imagine that the enemy defeated me in battle and that restraint is my punishment. I’ve heard that Shibari began with some kind of military torture, and I totally get it.”
Leo: “Ever since I saw Brokeback Mountain, I have a weakness for cowboys. I like to pretend that I and my partner are tough cowboys during the day. Then, when the night comes and nobody can see us, he ties me just like he does with the wild horses.”
Mona: “I have a fantasy in which a savage tribe kidnaps me. I know it might not be politically correct nowadays, but my partner and I couldn’t care less. Anyway, I am to be sacrificed to one of the idols of the tribe, and the high priestess, that is, my girlfriend, ties me to prepare me for the sacrifice. By the time she’s finished, I can barely refrain myself.”
Liam: “I work in a museum, so everything has to be very rational. You know, I always have to speak in a low voice and keep my composure. But when I’m home with my girlfriend, it’s another story. We like to play “Beauty and the Beast”. And I love having the chance to tie her up and be just a little bit rude, the way she likes it.”
And what about you, dear reader? What are your Shibari fantasies?