More Shibari Fantasies

In the previous article, we asked some rope enthusiasts about their favorite bondage fantasies. In this article, we offer you more Shibari fantasies.
Jill: “My fantasy is that I’m a spy; you know, I grew up watching Kim Possible. And the problem is that the villain has caught me. Now I’m tied to a cell that looks like a dungeon. And, to make things worse, the villain is telling me that he has always felt an unavoidable, sick attraction for me. So, instead of just torturing me, he’s going to try and make me feel all the pleasure he can through the ropes. And I am melting just for the thought of it.”
Benny: “I’ve always had a thing for older women. My current partner is sixteen years my senior. And my fantasy is that I’m her student, and I’m behaving very badly. So, she decides to punish me using ropes. As she ties me, I realize that she’s a real rigger and that this is not going to end the way I expected.”
Heather: “Call me old-fashioned, but my favorite is the medieval fantasy. I mean, I like to imagine that I am one of the queen’s assistants. And, while the king is out hunting, the queen and I do nasty things in the royal bedroom. At first, she refuses because queens are not supposed to have lovers, especially of the same sex. However, I know that, deep inside, she wants me to be with her. So, I tie her, and I enjoy her in all the ways I want. When we finish, she thanks me for my special services to the crown.”
Ralph: “My fantasy is simple: it’s me and two girls. They are wearing uniforms. First, I tie one; then, I tie the other. It’s the very idea of tying a woman that gives me satisfaction.”
Are there more Shibari fantasies you can think of? Share them in the comments.