Category: My Shibari Story

A Shibari Fantasy

We all have dreams. The difference is that some people fulfill their dreams and most of us don’t. I don’t know why, and I don’t know if it’s fair. But that’s the way it is. Period. I never thought mine would be a Shibari fantasy. My dream was to be a star. Since I was…
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A Reason for Shibari

“I tie their bodies because I couldn’t tie their souls.” This is what an old Shibari master said in an interview when they asked him about his reasons for tying up women and suspending them above the ground. It is also my reason for Shibari. Everybody needs a reason for Shibari. I’m an ugly man.…
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Shibari Is Exciting

Shibari is not the kind of thing you should do on a first date. It’s dangerous, and you don’t know your partner well enough to let him become your top. Allowing yourself to be restrained can end up in some form of abuse. I know all this. I knew it back then. And yet, I…
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Shibari and Roleplay

It was like the natural next step. We started practicing Shibari a year ago. We were spending most of our time at home because of the pandemic, and eventually learned about Shibari. At first, of course, we used simple ropes and it was more like an extra ingredient. Eventually, however, we started to try more…
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Ancient Shibari

I’m an Anthropology scholar. It sounds boring—and it is boring, if you cannot appreciate the value of discovering ancient ways of life. And, even though my profession wouldn’t be considered exciting by many people, I am not a boring person. Actually, in my private life I’m a kink. I love bondage and I find Shibari…
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A Shibari Bottom Is Important

I am nobody. I mean, of course I am somebody, my name is Jane and I’m 20. And I have a driver’s license and all that stuff. But when it comes to what I do, I am nobody. Had I known that a Shibari bottom is important, I would have never felt that way. I’m…
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The True Meaning of Submission

You might think of submission as allowing yourself to be controlled, being passive, losing your own will. You’re wrong. Submission is as powerful as dominance. It’s just that it is a different kind of power. Let me tell you my story, so that you understand the true meaning of submission. I had never heard of…
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Shibari and Silence

I hate noise. I mean, I really hate it. Worst thing about it is… I work in a big city. I have to. I’ve had a great career in advertising so far, and I shouldn’t complain. However, all the noise in the street just kills me. It gets worse on the subway, with all the…
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Happy Birthday, Kinbakushi!

Sixty is a difficult age. One the one hand, you’ve learned plenty, lived plenty, and enjoyed plenty; that’s good. On the other, you’ve seen too much, you’re tired and embittered, and you don’t feel strong enough for the things you used to do without getting tired. I had no idea many people would say to…
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Shibari with Bondage Tape

The first time we tried Shibari, it was a disaster. My husband was so ashamed that he couldn’t stop apologizing. I had several horrible red lines all over my skin because of the friction caused by the rope. I barely could sleep, and, when I took a shower, I couldn’t resist hot water for a…
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