Rope Hug

I liked Asahi from the moment I saw her. It was my first day at work, and I was nervous, hungry (I didn’t have time to have breakfast), and worried. After all, it was one of my first jobs and I needed the money, so failure was not an option. And now, I hadn’t been at work for five minutes, and I was already falling for Asahi. It was all a mess, the kind of mess life is made of. As for the rope hug, let me get to that.
I like bondage. It is the only thing I have found which is as powerful as the stress of daily living. And I must add that Shibari has it all: it’s sexy, emotional, psychologically powerful, and beautiful to see. That’s why when I gave myself a minute or two to think about Asahi and her white skin and her slim legs, I would imagine sharing a scene with her. The idea of a jute rope grabbing her white, milky skin, drove me crazy. And having my hands running through her legs and passing the rope around them, made me dizzy.
However, I was afraid. Even though we live in a more tolerant time, it’s still difficult to openly ask for kink. You cannot assume that everyone is gonna like it. And if that were the problem, there would be no problem. I mean, people are entitled to say no, and that’s fine. The problem comes when they just don’t say no, but they look at you as if you were the creepiest, dirtiest guy in the world. I had that experience before, and it wasn’t nice.
And then, it all happened. It was the tenth anniversary of the company, and there was a party with all the employees. The mood was great, and I had been talking to Asahi for more than an hour. We were laughing and having fun together. Then, she said she had to go. And when I hugged her to kiss her goodbye, I felt a Hishi Karada underneath her clothes.
Now, if a girl is wearing a rope dress under her clothes, it means she’s kink. And it also means she’s my kind of girl. I wouldn’t mind giving her a nice rope hug myself.
This is my Shibari story.