Change of Tides

There’s been a change of tides, that’s a fact. We do things people from the previous generations didn’t do, and we stopped doing things that they normally did. I think about this while I’m on the elevator, on my way to Mindy’s office. She’s a business executive. So, she spends the day in her office, while I’m at my hardware store, selling tools and stuff. Decades ago, it was my dad who was a business executive, and my mom stayed home, taking care of the kids and all that. Definitely, times change.
When I get to the office, Mindy is there, waiting for me with a smile. I put the sports bag on the floor and start slowly to take out the ropes and the equipment. She tries to concentrate on what she’s doing on her computer, but I can see the excitement in her eyes, and the pokey nipples through her blouse.
Once, when dad was drunk at a family party, he told me how much he enjoyed it when mom came to his office at the end of a long day of work. She would kneel in front of him and give him a blowjob that made him forget all his problems. It’s not so different from what I do. I come to Mindy’s office and, after a long day of work, I tie her to her chair and my tongue does the rest. Definitely, there’s a change of tides.
Dad would not even kiss my mom in front of their children, at least not passionately. On the other hand, Mindy puts her hand in the back pocket of my pants while we walk to her car in the empty parking lot. She wouldn’t care less if somebody saw us.
I guess there’s a change of tides. And I think I like it.
This is my Shibari story.