Shrimp Fishing

Shrimp Fishing

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Most people just won’t admit how kink they are. If you ask them they’ll say that they have an open mind regarding sexuality, and that they are fine with everybody doing their business as they want in the bedroom, and yadda yadda yadda. However, when it comes to give concrete examples of what they mean, they will hesitate and dodge the ball. For example, they won’t say they like spanking their partner’s buttocks. Instead, they will talk and talk about power dynamic, punishment, and so on. That’s why I rather say I enjoy “shrimp fishing”. And if you wonder what I mean by that, let me explain.

First of all, it has nothing to do with actual fishing.

The “shrimp” comes from the shrimp bondage position. You know, the one where one of the partners is tied on the floor, with the hands behind their back, and, in such a way, that they are forced to bend forward. You can google it and see what I mean.

In my personal case, I like to tie Julie, my partner since last year, that way. Now, before I go on, let me tell you that I’ve been doing home office since 2020, and I find it extremely boring. You know, at the office you can chat with other people, take a walk, and so forth. On the other hand, when you’re doing home office, sometimes everything gets silent, and boring.

So, what I do is this, I tie Julie in the shrimp position, and then I go “shrimp fishing”, which means that I take off my pants and continue doing home office while Julie’s head is on my crotch. Now, I suppose you understand what happens later. And I assume you understand the excitement of logging into a videoconference with your whole team while “that” is going on.

That’s my kink, and I’m not gonna blush and deny I love it.

This is my Shibari story.

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