Sick of Predators

I’m sick of predators. I truly am. You see, I’m a rigger. I have the talent, but I don’t have the money. It takes me weeks, sometimes months, to save enough money to buy a new rope or to rent a studio. Bondage is an expensive activity. And, I’m not the kind of person who has more money than they will ever need. People like my work, but the business has been slow. And, so far, it barely pays what it costs.
When it comes to models, professionals are out of the question. Some people I’ve met at festivals and workshops have agreed to work with me for free, in exchange for sharing with them the pictures of the session; some have even done it just for the fun of it. On other occasions, I ask a friend or a neighbor to work with me for some symbolic amount. After all, that’s what photographers do. But, just as any photographer will tell you, when you ask women to let you tie them and take some pictures, many of them will think you’re trying to hit on them.
And that’s why I hate predators, because for every one of those sick bastards that lie and hurt, there are dozens of sincere bondage enthusiasts who want everybody to have a good time and would never even think of hurting someone to satisfy some wicked desire. Every time a predator appears in the news, it becomes more difficult for people like me, who would never think of hurting anyone, to find someone with whom to share my passion for bondage.
I admire people who always ask for consent. I admire those men and women who care for the other’s welfare. The day kink becomes free of predators will be the happiest day of my life, I can tell you that.
This is my Shibari story.