The Rope of Desire

The Rope of Desire

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I love bondage. There’s only one thing that I love more than bondage, and that’s watching a rope scene as it unfolds in front of my eyes. I’m a rope lover, and I’m also a voyeur. I don’t believe that you should only stick to one kink. Quite the opposite; for me, each one of us is free to combine our singular tastes into a unique mix. I call mine “The Rope of Desire.”.

Doing a rope scene provides me with a wonderful sensation. I feel capable, powerful, in control. However, as exhilarating as it might be, performing a rope scene is not the only way in which ropes can give me pleasure. I also like watching. Being a spectator doesn’t mean being powerless. If I focus on the rope, I come to the point where I feel that it is me who is doing the tying, without even moving a finger! That makes me feel stronger than if I actually did it myself. It’s like achieving the same result by sheer will. And that really blows my mind.

This is my particular menu when it comes to kink. And I’d encourage anyone who is stepping into alternative lifestyles not to limit themselves to this or that kink. Try as much as you want. Try them all, if you feel like it! Then, choose the one, the two, or the dozen that best suit you, and combine them in a unique way.

I don’t see the point in being kinky just to end up being mainstream kinky. Because, unfortunately, there is such a thing as a dull, unimaginative, “me too” practitioner of alternative practices. I mean, let´s face it: people without imagination are not going to become creative just because they acquire a rope kit. There are no magic ropes, just as there are no magic wands in real life.

As for me, I’m happy playing with the rope of desire.

This is my Shibari story.

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