The Value of Experience

I knew this was going to happen. After all, when you marry someone twenty years your junior, you know that, at some point, age is going to become an issue. On the other hand, who wouldn’t fulfill the fantasy of a teacher marrying his student? When I met Susanna, I was on the verge of success. I had studied engineering, and after years of working whenever I had some free minutes from my job as a teacher, I had finally developed a winning idea. Let me explain, I had created a covering that would turn ordinary wires into little less than superconductors. I was going to be rich and enjoy everything life has to offer. And I wanted to share it with Susanna. We got married. I was 38; she was 18. Now things are different. And I’ve learned about the value of experience.
Very early in our married lives, we began practicing Shibari. She has always enjoyed my care and protection. And restraint is a good way for me to channel my fear that a younger man will come and take her away from me. Of course, at first, Shibari was followed by an exhausting session of intercourse. It was pure bliss!
Now, however, it can no longer be like that. I’m 58, and Susanna is almost 40, and, even though we more or less keep ourselves in shape, none of us would like the idea of such a marathon. Instead, I’ve learned to tie her exactly the way she likes it. I can read every single reaction of hers, no matter how small. In the end, there comes a time when the value of experience surpasses the value of pure strength. I may not have the stamina of a younger man, but I know exactly how to please the woman I love. And, after all these years, she’s still with me.
This is my Shibari story.