Uncle Gab

Uncle Gab

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You have to understand, my brother. He wanted to be forever young, forever cool, and forever alternative, meaning unconventional. Now, that’s not what I would call a realistic set of goals. Of course, when he was young, he more or less got away with it. After all, he’s handsome, smart, and works his ass off to have as much money as he needs. But no matter what you do, you cannot always be Gab, the cool boy. So, very reluctantly, he agreed to become Uncle Gab when our cousins began to marry and have children.

Now, despite being Uncle Gab, he still tries as hard as he can to be young, cool, and alternative (he has loved that word since the 90s). That’s how he came up with the idea of mentoring his nephews and nieces in the kinky lifestyle.

I must say that my brother Gabriel —that’s his full name—has loved bondage since he was in high school. Perhaps you’ve seen his work on the Internet or on a show; he performs as Rope Gab. Anyway, the point is that, instead of taking the younger members of the family to the movies, a fair, or to eat hamburgers, he teaches them how to tie each other and how to make their scenes more sensual.

You may be wondering what the parents of my brother’s “pupils” think about all this. Well, I guess the “alternative” gene runs in the family, for they actually allow their kids to play with Uncle Gab (most of them are legal adults already), and they pride themselves in having such an original family.

I guess I’m the only one who prefers vanilla in the family. And that makes me wonder if my father is really my dad or if there is some family secret I should know about by now.

This is his Shibari story.

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