What Happens in Vegas

What Happens in Vegas

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What happens in Vegas …Can’t stay in Vegas! I mean, I know how the saying goes. And I also know that, for most people, that’s the best way to handle it. If you spend a ton of money at the casinos, or flirt around with strippers, or even if you just enjoy like a kid some magician’s show, it’s best not to boast about it. However, in my case, I just couldn’t leave behind what I had experienced. And I’m glad I did!

You see, my friends and I are going into our thirties. Among other things, it is the age of responsibilities. So, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to book a day to see each other. That’s why, when they told me they were planning a trip to Las Vegas, I couldn’t hide my excitement at the idea.

Now, my boyfriend wasn’t very happy when I told him about it. However, since he had gone with his friends to Sin City the year before, he had no choice.

We saw a magic show, and had dinner at an expensive restaurant. We took a lot of photos of that, so that we could show our partners that we had behaved properly. Where we didn’t take pictures was at the strip club, where we spent a whole night.

To be honest, it wasn’t a big deal for me. I mean, yes, there were a lot of handsome men, full of muscles, and with an interesting bulge in the middle of their parents. But then again, that was all it was.

For the last day, we couldn’t find anything to do. And so, almost by chance, we attended a Shibari exhibition. Now, that was something! The ropes, the patterns, and the suspensions! It was everything I had always wanted. That’s why what happens in Vegas —Can’t stay in Vegas.

Now, I’m back from Vegas. And I’m looking for the best workshop that I can find. I can’t wait to be back on the ropes.

This is my Shibari story.

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