Tag: emotions in Shibari

Shibari Is Care

Not everything that shines is gold. When people hear I’m an escort, they think that I spend my life travelling, going to luxurious parties, meeting wonderful people, wearing expensive clothes, and having great sex. That is true, to a certain point. But it is also true that sometimes you feel nauseous from so much travelling…
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Shibari Tells a Story

I believe in the power of stories. I also believe in the power of movement and in the power of stillness. Moreover, I believe in the power of love. For the most important day of my life I wanted to combine all these beliefs and express them in a wonderful, unique, way. I was about…
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Shibari Can Release You

It was painful to see her suffering. We’ve all had a hard time with the pandemic, but, for Sophie, it was as if the world had closed in on her. She began having trouble sleeping. She got so nervous she felt she couldn’t breathe. It was horrible. I wanted to help her. So, I arranged…
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