Tag: learn shibari


Ropunawa is a Shibari instructor living in Basel, Switzerland. He has his own and unique style of rope bondage. Actually, he combines different styles of Shibari and the influence of different Shibari masters. Ropunawa’s rope journey began in 2008, when he encountered Shibari at a performance in Australia. His first learning was under Osada Steve’s…
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Madrid Shibari

Madrid Shibari is a dojo that offers a high quality, safe and respectful education based on the origins of Kinbaku. You will be able to learn Shibari or Kinbaku through the Shibari courses, private classes and intensive days. Madrid Shibari’s objective is fully educational. This means they take their training very seriously at any level.…
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Shibari Kinnawa Dojo

Shibari Kinnawa Dojo is a dojo in Mexico. It is the only dojo especially devoted to Shibari in Mexico. Here, you can practice and learn Shibari in a safe and professional place with a secure and respectful ambience. Kinnawa comes from  Kanji Ki, which means gold, and Nawa, which means rope in Japanese. Together they…
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Shibari School Paris

Shibari School Paris is the essential place to discover and learn about Shibari in Paris. Most students are couples from all walks of life. And there is always friendliness, diversity and respect within a dance studio.Shibari School Paris was founded by Seb Kinbaku, who is an artist in the field of Japanese strings and photography,…
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Get Started in Shibari

Shibari is a Japanese style of bondage. It is a kind of art, where you tie rope around someone’s body, while you are making different patterns and connection with that person. Shibari focuses on the exchange of emotions and feelings among partners. Read the article and learn how to get started in Shibari. In Shibari,…
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Rope Bite Pgh

Rope Bite Pgh, is a dojo in Pittsburg, PA, dedicated to facilitating quality rope and Shibari education. Its goal is to provide safe and inclusive venues to learn, practice and play in a spacious and well-equipped environment. It was born as a social group of people interested in forms of rope bondage, including Shibari and…
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Ups and Downs of Suspension

When you think about Shibari, you frequently think about suspension. Almost every rope artist wants to learn and practice the art of Shibari suspensions. Suspensions are one of the experiences every rigger or bottom aspires to live in Shibari. It is like the cherry on the cake. However, it is important that you know the…
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Misconceptions About Shibari

There are plenty of misconceptions about shibari, as you can already tell from our entry on its myths. In the following paragraphs we will further the examples on how people assume certain characteristics of this practice. The reason to do so is for you to be as well-versed in this universe as possible so you…
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