Tag: ropebondage


Vinciens first attempts in bondage began in 1995. Since then, rope has been a part of him. He began working with photographers in 2006. Also, he is the founder of the Shibari Dojo Vienna, together with his former student Barakas. They both hosted the first series of workshops with Osada Steve in Vienna. Vinciens is…
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Hikari Kesho

Hikari Kesho who’s real name is Alberto Lisi, is an Italian photographer and recognized master in the art of Shibari. Hikari has developed a unique style: he photographs beautiful women using his extensive reseacrh about corporal expresión and beauty. Consequently, his photographies, usually in black and white, have a gothic touch. So, he connects the…
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Seiu Ito

Seiu Ito is “The Father of Kinbaku”. Specifically, he was a Japanese painter who displayed great imagination, honesty, and creativity. Actually, Ito conjured things that many of us couldn’t even imagine today. Kinbaku means “tight binding” and it is a Japanese style of bondage. Actually, it involves tying a person up using visually intricate patterns…
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