Shibari and Romance

Can you combine Shibari and romance? In other words, can you and your partner plan and perform a bondage scene that is also a romantic statement? The answer is yes, it is possible. And we’ll tell you how.
We have to begin by remembering that passion is the essence of romance. And passion means intensity. In order to achieve a truly romantic scene, it is not enough to care for your partner. You should be focused on their welfare, almost to the point of obsession. Your partner must be the single thought on your mind. And you must be willing to do anything for them to be happy.
Romance is overwhelming. Therefore, you should think about how you’re going to overwhelm your partner’s senses. Most people only think about touch and sight in a scene. This is quite obvious, since it is all about tying, and sight is the dominant sense. But, how about smell? Have you ever tried bringing perfumes and essences to your scene? And let’s not forget the ear. Would it be a good idea to play music for your partner in your next scene together?
Romance means details. Don’t do things in a rough, careless way. Rather, give some thought to each individual element of the scene. Think about ways of improving it, of making it your own, instead of some generic, one-size-fits all, solution.
Romance is never fast. The key word here is arousal. Take as long as you need to bring your partner to the edge of excitement. And enjoy each step of the process. Take things slowly, so that you and your partner can process and taste everything that’s happening.
If you follow this advice and combine Shibari and romance, we can assure you that you and your partner will have an unforgettable experience.