Tips for Kinky Married Couples

Does Shibari come to an end once you say, “I do,” and someone puts a ring on your finger? Of course not! Kinky lifestyles and married life are not incompatible. For this article, we asked some married couples who also share a passion for kink what would be the best advice they could give to other married couples. According to their answers, here are the best tips for kinky married couples.
First and foremost, don’t quit kink! Bondage and all the other BDSM practices are usually part of a lifestyle. Quitting them just because you’re now a married perso is a terrible mistake. Instead, you should try to bring it into your new life. If both partners are kinky, this is way easier, of course. However, even in the case of one partner being not-kinky or even vanilla, you can find common ground and achieve an agreement. It will take a lot of communication and good will from both parties involved. But it will be worth it.
Another important thing is to be discreet. This doesn’t mean denying your alternative lifestyle. What it means is that you should be careful with whom you share this intimate information. On the one hand, there might be kids in the family, and you don’t want to expose them to something they still cannot understand. On the other hand, among your relatives and friends, there will be those who will have no problem with your preferences, and others who will feel uncomfortable knowing about your intimate ways. Therefore, be wise about whom you share this information with.
As for the practices themselves, you will obviously have to adjust your schedule. But that’s only one of the hundreds of agreements and rearrangements that a newlywed couple has to deal with. So don’t get discouraged if things don’t go well at first. Eventually, they will.
What do you think of these tips for kinky married couples?