Kinky and Proud

You might be kinky and proud. However, openly acknowledging your kinky lifestyle might not be the best idea. We live in a world that is still struggling with diversity. Therefore, even though you should not deny your identity, you should be careful about it.
Kinky might be one of the most misunderstood terms nowadays. So, if you’re going to discuss your alternative lifestyle with someone else, try to provide enough context and be as clear about it as you can. Make sure to take the other person step-by-step into understanding alternative lifestyles.
Likewise, try to understand the kind of environment in which you are. Some areas of society tend to be more conservative than others. For example, it is very probable that college students and teachers are more open-minded when it comes to kink than bank managers.
You should also ask yourself what the purpose of bringing up the subject is. If you’re in a new relationship and you want to ask your partner for kink, sooner or later you will have to tell the truth about your habits. On the other hand, in a job interview, it probably won’t be necessary to be that open about your intimate preferences.
If you have decided to let someone know you’re kinky, try to start with something that is more widely acceptable. For example, most people are ok with spanking, dirty talk, and handcuffs during intercourse, even if they are not kinky. On the other hand, an unusual fetish might not be the best conversation topic, at least not at first.
In the end, as you can see, it is all a matter of tact and purpose. You might be kinky and proud, but that doesn’t mean you have to be rude or clumsy. Enjoy your lifestyle and handle it with care. It deserves it.