Common Mistakes during the Preparation

Just like in any other activity, there are some common mistakes in Shibari. After all, it is a human activity, and we humans are “wonderfully fallible”, as a very wise person said. But, wonderful as they are, we all prefer not to make mistakes. That’s why in this article we have compiled some of the most common mistakes during the preparation of a Shibari scene. This way, you can be aware of them and avoid them.
Mistakes can occur during the preparation, the development, and even the aftercare of a scene. Some of them, of course, are more serious than others, but you should try to avoid all of them.
Common mistakes during preparation include the lack of a properly detailed plan for the scene. Even though you can always experiment and improvise—which brings some of the best experiences to Shibari—you should always know where the scene is going. Moreover, you should know exactly you want to accomplish.
Another important mistake during this stage of the process is a lack of specific consent. You cannot consent in general. Quite the opposite, consent should always be specific. That’s why you actually “consent to…” this and that, not just to doing a scene, whatever it may involve.
A proper safety check is a must before every scene. You cannot rely on the fact that things have gone well before and assume that things will go well this time around. Just as air pilots perform a thorough examination of their plane before takeoff, so should participants in a scene, especially the rigger, check that all safety measures have been taken and that they are ready for any emergency that might come up.
Finally, you should always avoid heavy meals before a bondage scene. A heavy stomach can cause all kinds of trouble, from dizziness to cramps. Therefore, the best solution is to have a light meal the night before so that you can endure the meal without putting yourself at risk.