Category: Beginner’s guide

Rope Bite Pgh

Rope Bite Pgh, is a dojo in Pittsburg, PA, dedicated to facilitating quality rope and Shibari education. Its goal is to provide safe and inclusive venues to learn, practice and play in a spacious and well-equipped environment. It was born as a social group of people interested in forms of rope bondage, including Shibari and…
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ShibariCamp is a non-profit event, planned and prepared by BeyondRope, Prettodekadens & nibbles, which are 3 rope nerds from Sweden. It is a vacation in the countryside with great people and Rope!Shibaricamp’s volunteers take care of cooking, cleaning, carpeting, and making sure everything works to make it happen. Since shibaricamp is a collective effort, it…
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Kinbaku Session

Japanese Rope Bondage is often called Shibari or Kinbaku. Shibari means “to bind” and Kinbaku means “tight binding”. Kinbaku, unlike the Western bondage, is not a practice, but a real discipline. It involves what the Japanese call “Kokomo” meaning “the heart, spirit and mind”. Read the article and learn how to do a Kinbaku session.…
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How to Get a Man to Tie You Up?

If you are wondering how to get a man to tie you up, I can help you with some tips. First, the most difficult part is to admit to your partner that you have this desire. However, first you need to admit it to yourself. Practicing Shibari, that is, Rope bondage, is not wrong. Actually,…
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How to Say You Want Kink

Kinki is a term that describes several unconventional sexual activities that go beyond “normal sex”. It is important to know how to say you want kink, since this can surprise, or even shock, your partner. Or they might like the idea. So, how are you gonna tell your partner you are interested in Kink? Telling…
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What Does Kink Mean?

Kink is a term that describes numerous unconventional sexual activities, concepts or fantasies. It is one of the latest trends in the sexual arena. Participants are people who are totally free from prejudice. Kink is a type of behaviour where people enjoy sex in a spontaneous, wild and explosive way. In Kink sex, as in…
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What to Know About Bondage

People usually have different sexual needs and fantasies. Fantasies are great to build communication with your partner. In this article I will tell you what to know about bondage if you want to practice Shibari. Before you do Shibari, it is important to know what it is all about and whether it is for you…
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It Depends on the Individual

People usually think that the experience of tying people is the same in every situation and with every partner. However, the experience depends on the individual. Physical differences and limitations are a variant in the experience of the scene. The scene will be different with each individual although you are making the same routine. It…
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Things People Love About Shibari

Shibari comes from the Japanese word that means “binding” or “tying”. It is a Japanese style of bondage. There are many things people love about Shibari. A lot of people who come across Shibari or Kinbaku end up mesmerized by the detailed knotwork. Additionally, they find in Shibari a way to communicate their feelings with…
Read more is a curated directory of resources for Shibari practitioners and enthusiasts in the Philippines. It empowers people to celebrate their art, kinks, and sexuality through Japanese rope bondage. is a project that wants to help people of all kinds to explore their interest in bondage. This project wants to show and teach the…
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