I Love what You’re Doing to Me

“I love what you’re doing to me.” These are the words that true first-class lovers want to hear. Some men will tell you that it’s “you’re so big” – the phrase that everybody wants to hear – but that’s incorrect. Someone can be big and hurt and have a selfish good time, while their partner is quite uncomfortable. “I love…”, on the other hand, leaves no doubt that both participants are having a great time. And that’s the kind of people you want to bring to your bed.
Now, you’ll never get to that point if you keep things vanilla. Or well, maybe some vanilla couples have a great time, too. So, I’ll take back what I just said. My point is that you have to look for whatever X factor blows your brains off. And that’s where Shibari comes into the picture, at least for me.
The essence of kink is being alternative, which means not following the same paths that everybody else follows. Just like a person looking for gold will have to go through a lot of dirt, you will have to experience many different practices before you find the one that turns you on in a flash and then leaves you in hotspace, subspace, or whatever planet you want to go to.
In my case, it was bondage that truly blew my mind away. And this brings me to another important point: it doesn’t have to be sexual any time. I like my intercourse served with bondage, of course. But I also enjoy getting tied for the sake of it. Remember, you’re looking for joy, not just for a shake below the belt.
So, I encourage you to follow your bliss, that is, your kinky, sexy, hot bliss, and be happy.
This is my Shibari story.