Bondage Discipline

In our previous post, we presented a story about a man discovering the value of bondage discipline. As any rope lover knows, bondage is not easy. It takes effort and perseverance to unveil the secrets of Shibari. And effort and perseverance are the key elements of discipline. So, since discipline is so important in Shibari, we decided to do a survey about it. Here’s what the experts and the rope enthusiasts we interviewed said:.
“I like the fact that bondage demands discipline. For me, everything that is worth anything demands effort. Things that are too easy don’t spark any interest in me. Of course, this means that you will have to put some effort into it. But the result will always surpass what you did to get there. At least, that has been my experience.” (Simon, 37).
“Bondage and discipline are inseparable. Basically, you can’t have the fun, the pleasure, and the exhilaration of bondage, if you don’t act with discipline. And that’s fine with me. Making an effort is a valuable lesson that you can transfer to any other activity in your life. The most successful people in any field are always people with discipline.” (Shauna, 27).
“I don’t like discipline. I like things the easy way. That’s why bondage is not for me.” (Buddy, 24).
“Some people ask me, ‘don’t you hate working hard all week and then working hard on the weekends to do your bondage scenes?’ My answer is always ‘no’. Working hard in your job is different from working hard on something you love. After a whole week at the office, I don’t mind devoting hours and hours to rope games, because I like them more than anything else. It doesn’t feel the same.” (Lemuel, 23).
How about you? What are your thoughts on bondage and discipline?