Tag: shibari photography

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Bound by Trust

Bound by Trust: A Time to Shine Exhibition A new exhibition from Berlin Kink Collective Time to Shine. It explores the boundaries of kink, bondage, fetish, and trust in art. About this Event A new exhibition from Berlin Kink Collective Time to Shine. Bound by Trust explores the boundaries of kink, bondage, fetish, and trust…
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Shibari and photography mix up very well together. This is not surprising, since Shibari is a strongly visual art form, which can provide excellent photographic material. On the other hand, pinup photography has a long tradition in the West. Actually, it goes back to the classic 40s and 50s models. Pinup has been displaced in…
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Shibari in the era of Instagram

Shibari is one of the most recent developments of the millenary art of rope bondage. Instagram, on the other hand, is a social network with a decade of existence. What can they possibly have in common? More than you think! Read the article and find out about the evolution of Shibari in the era of…
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Fred RX

Fred RX is a professional rigger, photographer, climber, explorer, doctor, and ordained reverend.He began tying several years ago after a long time practising the BDSM lifestyle. Fred began with a mixture of American and Eastern rope which he learned from a variety of teachers and schools. His passion for rope expanded beyond what he could…
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Shibari Photography: The Art of Capturing Beauty in Bondage

Shibari photography is a captivating art form that combines the ancient Japanese practice of rope bondage with modern visual storytelling. This unique genre offers photographers a chance to explore themes of trust, vulnerability, and artistic expression. Let’s delve into the world of Shibari photography and discover its key elements. In this article, we’ll cover: Understanding…
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Fred Hatt

Fred Hatt is a shibari artist who is based in London, England. He is also the owner and founder of Anatomie Studio. Located in Peacham, many consider Anatomie Studio to be the first actual shibari studio in the UK. This studio is more of a school than anything else. It is devoted to the art…
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Austin Rope Slingers

Austin Rope Slingers began in the spring of 2015 in a small apartment with one goal. It began offering a weekly gathering space for people interested in rope. The goal was to share knowledge, experience, and practice the skill.Austin Rope Slingers is a group of rope enthusiasts devoted to helping the members of the Austin…
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Fabio da Motta

Fabio da Motta is a Brazilian photographer that makes rope bondage a little more poetic. This is because he shows the human body in relation to nature, flowers, plants and animals. Fabio da Motta was born in the south of Brazil and moved to Sao Paulo when he was 19. There, he studied Graphic Design…
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Jim Duvall

Jim Duvall is an erotic photographer, teacher, rigger, performer and sexual activist. Jim Duvall is an admirer of Rope Bondage, or Shibari and enjoys the aesthetics and emotions this practice transmits. He found in Shibari a practice where you can experience pure sexual freedom and expression. Jim is founder and former president of the Board…
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Aaron Mcpolin

Aaron Mcpolin is a fashion and beauty photographer. He admires the human body and likes to study the world of taboo. Therefore, he explores the world with his eyes wide open and his camera always nearby. This way, he can capture perfect moments of the human body. Aaron grew up in Manchester, England, and moved…
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