Athletic Shibari

One of the most common ways to exercise domination over a partner is to show strength, both physical and mental. It is important, however, to distinguish between strength and violence. Strength is good because it shows skills, resources, and the willingness to act to protect and care for your partner. On the other hand, violence is bad because it hurts, it is destructive, and it can cause severe damage, physical as well as emotional. So, what we’re talking about here is strength. Having said that, let’s move on and talk about how you can practice athletic Shibari and why it is a good idea.
Athletic Shibari is for fit people. If you’re overweight and out of shape, this is not an option for you. Conversely, if your muscles are tuned, and your flexibility and strength are high, athletic Shibari will bring a whole new level of experience to your bondage scenes.
Instead of using a pulley system, you can tie your partner and then lift them up using your raw strength. We can assure they will react with an extra dose of excitement to this display of stamina. Similarly, if you are the partner playing bottom, you can use tight clothes. This will allow your partner to appreciate your muscles. You can also reduce clothing to the minimum, so that they can appreciate you as if you were one of those classic statues that show perfect bodies.
Another way of practicing athletics Shibari is rushing the untying. This will communicate to your partner how anxious you are to have them in your arms. Moreover, you will end up all sweaty from the effort. For those who have a kink for sweat, this will certainly add value to your bondage scene. Make sure, however, to avoid rushing aftercare, because no partner will thank you for that.
So, if you have the adequate profile, why don’t you practice athletic Shibari in your next bondage scene?