I Recommend Potterhead Shibari

I’ve always liked older men; don’t ask me why. In high school, I had a crush on my math teacher. And the same thing happens to me with fictional characters. Especially when it comes to the saga that my generation loves. That’s why I recommend Potterhead Shibari. Allow me to elaborate.
You see, I’m a proud member of the Potterhead generation. That’s why, when I discovered my kink for bondage, I immediately thought about doing a Potterhead Shibari scene.
Now, when I was studying in college, Matt, one of my classmates, knew absolutely nothing about the saga and couldn’t care less about the lives of the students and the faculty at Hogwarts.
When Matt and I became a couple, I tried to interest him in the saga, but he got really bored. Nothing seemed to work.
So, in a desperate attempt to create a common interest, I dressed up as a Hogwarts student, but with a sexy twist. And, since I’ve always had a thing for older men, I disguised him as Professor D.
At first, he didn’t want to do it, but I said that, if he did, I would submit to whatever kink he wanted.
The scene had a simple story: professor D. develops an obsession for one of his students, and so he asks her to stay after class. Then, he ties her using a secret spell. Once she is tied up, he satisfies his lust for her.
Now, I won’t go into details. All I can say is that our version is as good as the original movies, although in a very different way. So, I recommend Potterhead Shibari.
What do you think of this new kind of Shibari?