No Big Deal

No Big Deal

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“Well, to be honest, this is no big deal for me.” I had just finished saying the words, when I saw Melinda’s eyes flooding with tears. We had just finished a Shibari scene. And, we felt exhausted. And I couldn’t lie anymore.

It all began some weeks ago when Melinda told me she wanted us to attend a bondage workshop. We have always spiced our life with kink. And bondage sounded like the logical next step. Additionally, I had read something about Shibari, and I had felt interested for its complexity and artistic value.

However, when we took the workshop, I got bored to death. Not that there is anything wrong with Shibari, quite the opposite, it seems like a fascinating activity with a long tradition. It’s just that it takes time and concentration, and I already do that at my job. You see, I work in a medical laboratory, and my job is very demanding.

Melinda, on the other hand, was extremely enthusiastic about the whole bondage thing. I didn’t want to disappoint her. So, when she asked me about the workshop, I lied. I said it had been wonderful. I guess I was very convincing because she booked us in another one.

In the second workshop we saw more complex knots and positions. When it finished, I was totally fed up. As for Melinda, she wanted to keep practicing on the empty studio.

I agreed. However, this time my acting wasn’t so good, and she caught me yawning. She asked me what was wrong, and that’s when I said the words you read at the beginning of my story.

She was upset with me for a couple of days. Then, she gradually understood that I had tried to be nice to her. She prepared a nice cup of coffee for me, which is her way of making a peace offer. And she told me that she had come to understand that bondage doesn’t have to be everybody’s cup of tea. It’s ok if it is no big deal for me.

This is my Shibari story.

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