Category: My Shibari Story

Shibari Is Care

Not everything that shines is gold. When people hear I’m an escort, they think that I spend my life travelling, going to luxurious parties, meeting wonderful people, wearing expensive clothes, and having great sex. That is true, to a certain point. But it is also true that sometimes you feel nauseous from so much travelling…
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Intimate Shibari

I didn’t want to play bottom. It sounded awful. For me, all this rope business sounded like a complicated manner of abuse. It even surprised me that George wanted to try it. If I had realized just how intimate Shibari is, none of this would have happened. And it might have been better that way.…
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Shibari for the Shadow

You know what the shadow is? The shadow is what you keep repressed because it’s too dangerous. The things that you cannot admit it even to yourself are part of the shadow. Anything that hurts too much to be spoken is part of the shadow. Anyway, that’s what Jungian psychology says about the shadow, more…
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Tying my Other Me

I have to be a shark when I’m in the office. I have to be quick, efficient, and daring. There’s no room for sentimentality or doubt. Things have to be done. And it’s my responsibility. Then again, I’m a woman, and just like any other person, I have feelings, memories, and desires. And I can’t…
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Shibari to Redeem Myself

I was selfish and mean. I regret it know, but I was blind then. Only later, I realized how much I had hurt her. And I understood why she had left me. I drained her and took everything she had to give. And I didn’t give anything. I was so selfish! However, eventually I found…
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A Shibari Princess

I always wanted to be a princess. I mean, any little girl wants to be a princess. But I really expected to be a princess in my adult life. I wanted care, love, and admiration. Little did I know that I would end up being a Shibari princess. You see, as much as I’m a…
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Shibari Is a Great Gift

What can I buy for Richard? I never know. It’s always the same story. I know he loves Star Trek; he must be in the top ten of the all-time greatest fans of the series. And he’s not the typical nerdy, obsessed, awkward kinda trekker. Oh no! He’s an intelligent, handsome, sociable young man. I…
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A Shibari Apprentice

I hate my job. I work as a maid in this big luxury hotel—and let me tell you something: it is nothing like in the movies. Instead of handsome, charming millionaires, I’ve found annoying customers who never say “please” or “thank you.” I never imagined I would become a Shibari apprentice. One night, a particularly…
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Undercover Shibari

I discovered Shibari with one of my exes. He’s been history for a long time, but I’ve kept practicing bondage. Not just for pleasure: I work as a model for performances and private services. It’s been great! I’ve earned good money, been to exciting places, and met a lot of interesting people. But I’ve never…
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A Different Composition

I couldn’t help it, I was bored to death. I mean, I love teaching, but when you spend two hours reading the dullest, clumsiest, worst-written compositions, you can’t help but feel that you’re wasting your time miserably. To make things worse, my class was away, on some picnic. So, while they were outside, having fun,…
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