Ecofriendly Shibari – Survey

Ecofriendly Shibari – Survey

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In our previous post, we discussed the new ecofriendly Shibari trend. As a follow up, we now present an ecofriendly Shibari survey, in which we interviewed a group of rope lovers who have adhered to this tendency. Here’s what they told us:

“We always talk about scenes in Shibari. But the greatest scene of them all is nature itself. It’s our environment. It’s where we live. So, it is absurd to turn our backs on it, and lock ourselves up in a studio. By doing that, we’re losing the greatest bond available: the connection with nature. We have to go out and reconnect with nature. Otherwise, we will always feel something’s missing. Because it is.” Adamir, 47, ecofriendly Shibari instructor.

“Doing a scene inside a studio, with some complex lightning, and music, is no different from going to a club. You don’t get much insight, and you don’t bond. You just have an intense experience. Going outdoors, on the other hand, is a rewarding experience that helps you recharge your energies. I have no problem with looking for an emotional rush. But I think that ecofriendly Shibari opens the door to something deeper and more meaningful.” Rose, 34, bondage lover.

“We talk about all things ecofriendly: ecofriendly this, ecofriendly that… In the end, however, ecofriendly is a lifestyle, the healthiest and more rewarding, if you ask me. We need to recover our bond with nature. Otherwise, the planet is sick, our minds suffer, and relationships become weak and exploitative. We all should live in an ecofriendly way. And I hope we soon will.” Maurice, 41, rope enthusiast.

In the end, each person does Shibari their own way. After all, BDSM has always advocated for diversity. 

How about you? Would you like to try ecofriendly Shibari? What do you think of our ecofriendly Shibari survey?

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