Shibari during Super Tuesday

This year’s Super Tuesday was different. Not because of the political results, which we will not discuss, but because there was a social media outage. And it lasted for several hours. For some, it was a traumatic experience; for others, it was an opportunity to reexperience the pre-Internet world. Each one of us found a way to deal with a world without Facebook, Instagram, and other popular platforms. However, for some bondage enthusiasts, it was the perfect opportunity to take the ropes out of the drawer. In other words, to practice Shibari during Super Tuesday.
Forced to find entertainment and evasion outside of social media platforms, in which many people spend hours every day, some men and women with initiative decided to bring out the ropes and give a chance at trying Shibari at home.
Take Alan and Sonya, for example. They are a young couple with two small kids. Usually, they spend their mornings at home, doing home office while their children are at school. On Super Tuesday, when social media platforms fell one after the other, they found themselves alone at home and unable to work. It wasn’t long before they came up with the idea of trying some bondage in their empty house.
The case of Jonathan and Demiri is similar. They are addicted to social media, and when the platforms fell, they began to feel quite uneasy. However, Shibari came to the rescue, and they ended up having a steamy moment, which both of them will cherish for years to come.
So, when the web fails and things feel like 1994, remember that you don’t need a modem or a password for Shibari, just some meters of rope, a consenting partner, and a lot of passion. You won’t regret the experience.
How about you? Did you also have an experience with Shibari during Super Tuesday?