Dealing with a Shibari Son or Daughter

Nowadays, there is plenty of advice on how to deal with sexual diversity or gender identity among family members. However, when it comes to kink, we’re still a little behind. Are you ready for dealing with a Shibari son or daughter? Think of your own children, in case you have them. What would you do if they told you that they enjoyed bondage? How would you react if you saw them in the middle of a Shibari scene? If you hadn’t thought about it before and you’re panicking as you read this, please don’t. There is help available. And it is right here.
First of all, as it happens with anything kinky, you should assume an understanding attitude. Don’t go immediately into a rage and start insulting the people you love. Take as long as you need to assimilate what you’re hearing. Listen. Don’t dismiss your son’s kinkiness as a weird hobby. Kink is usually a lifestyle, so it is important to make sure just how involved the person is, before making a judgment.
As a parent, your main responsibility is the care and protection of your children. Therefore, the first topic you should discuss is safety. Young people tend to be reckless. And it’s usually up to the adults to point out the need for acceptable safety conditions. By the way, safety also includes the protection of minors. So, you should make it clear to your son or daughter with kinky interests that bondage—and all the other BDSM practices—are only for consenting adults.
In case they’re planning to involve someone else, you should point out the fact that there are many charlatans who think they know all about bondage because they can tie their shoelaces. Once again, help your son or daughter be aware of the risks any rope enthusiast has to deal with.
Now you know what you need about dealing with a Shibari son or daughter.