Sexuality and Spirituality

Mac Mclaughlin, administrator of the “Free the Kink” Facebook group, posted this question: “Does spirituality play any part in your dynamic?”. There were over forty answers about the relation between sexuality and spirituality, and here we discuss the results.
First of all, the answers were divided. This comes as no surprise since statistics consistently show that, every year, societies become less religious. However, as many people in the comments noticed, religion and spirituality are not the same. Whereas religions are an institutionalized set of beliefs and practices, spirituality is more of an intimate attitude. In most cases, it is a set of very personal intuitions.
On the other hand, many people who commented on the post acknowledged their spirituality. Some of them believe in sacred sex. That is, in intercourse as a ritual that provides a connection with something difficult to define. They believe in something larger than whatever explanation science can offer. Others believe in some power hidden within nature, similar to pantheism and sacred ecology.
Most people who commented on the post abstained from elaborating on their answers. In a certain way, this is understandable; sex and religion are two of the most controversial topics (the other being politics). Besides, for those who actually believe in a spiritual realm of life, this is a very intimate and cherished part of their personality. Consequently, they are not willing to discuss it openly.
A good piece of advice found in the comments is that spirituality, like many other things, is something you should discuss with your partner. This is especially the case if the relationship is getting strong. Avoiding this conversation now can lead to trouble in the future. So, as with many other things in BDSM, discuss it freely and frankly. It’s the best way.
You can find the original post about sexuality and spirituality, and more on the topic, in the “Free the Kink” Facebook group.