Shibari Blindfolded

Putting a blindfold over your partner’s eyes is, perhaps, one of the most usual kinks of all time. Even people who are otherwise totally vanilla have tried and liked it. And it is one of the most accepted kinks, as proved by the delicious scenes performed by the lovely Shannen Doherty in the movie “Blindfold”, over thirty years ago. Practicing Shibari blindfolded offers many benefits, which we will discuss.
First of all, it prevents awkwardness. Sometimes, for your partner, keeping their eyes open means endless minutes watching the ceiling or the floor of the studio, which is quite a boring sight. For the most part, in many scenes what your partner will see is not even remotely interesting. By putting a blindfold over their eyes, you avoid this potentially catastrophic turn off.
Once your partner is wearing the blindfold, the key question to ask them is: where is your mind? The absence of visual stimulus may lead your partner far into their memories. This might lead to the uncovering of a treasured moment long forgotten, or to a significant instant that was overlooked when it happened. Once you remove the blindfold, ask your partner what they were thinking of. The answer will surely surprise you.
Your partner may also get in touch with their most intimate desires while they are blindfolded. Covering the eyes frequently provokes introspection. That is, since the person cannot watch the outside, they switch to an inner glance. This may prove very fruitful, as it may lead to the discovery of a new, still untried, kink.
Finally, the absence of a sense always heightens the others. Since your partner cannot see, they will become more aware of the touch of the rope, of the smell of your sweat, of the texture of your hands. Far from straying away from the scene, using a blindfold may get your partner more involved in the rope game.
In essence, practicing Shibari blindfolded can be a great, easy option for a more intense experience.