Shibari in Bed

When you think of a Shibari scene, most probably what comes to your mind is a session in a studio or outdoors. It is also possible to practice Shibari at home, as many people found out during lockdown. Therefore, it’s not surprising that you can also practice Shibari in bed. And let us say it is an excellent option if you want something more intimate for your bondage moments.
First of all, the fact of being at home reduces the stress around the scene. After all, the surroundings are familiar and you know where everything is. Take into consideration, however, that, if you have kids, it’s best to do this when they are not at home. That is, unless you wanna have to give some awkward explanations in case they find out.
Shibari in bed keeps participants closer to each other. This offers more intimacy. You can speak softly, and exchange intense glances. Moreover, it requires less effort, which is good if one or both of the participants are not in particularly good shape.
Something very important is that Shibari in bed guarantees great aftercare. Given that you’re in your own bed, the return to reality will be smooth and full of warmth, which is not always the case when your studio reservation expires and you have to leave in five minutes.
Obviously, when we mention Shibari in bed, many people will immediately relate it to a sexual situation. Though this may be the case —and there’s nothing wrong with it—, it doesn’t necessarily have to be so. Shibari in bed can be great for cuddling for its own sake, not just as a prelude to intercourse. If your Shibari in bed is going to be followed or combined with sexual interaction, then try to give it a twist, so as to avoid the feeling of routine.
As you see, Shibari in bed can be a great option for all kinds of participants. And if you decide to try it, we wish you the best of luck!