Shibari Calendar

There are calendars with kittens, sports cars, and motivational quotes. And these are all fine, for those who like them. But, how about a Shibari calendar? As any rope fan knows, bondage is quite photogenic. Therefore, the idea of preparing a calendar for someone dear to your heart might be the first step for a great gift.
Erotic calendars are nothing new. Many people do them as a gift for a special someone. And there even was a Simpsons episode about it! However, bondage is a still relatively unused variation of this kind of photoshoot. So, why don’t you give it a try?
First, you should brainstorm all the ideas that come to your mind. Think of every scene you can imagine. And take into consideration what your partner likes and what you enjoy. Make sure to get, at least, fifteen ideas.
Once you’ve done that, analyze those ideas in terms of budget, necessary props, and complexity. For example, if you want a very artistic suspension scene, with a special lightning, that will be way more complicated and expensive than, say, doing a floor scene in sober black and white. This will lead you to define the twelve scenes for your calendar.
Then, you must find a professional photographer. The good news is that there are many skilled professionals out there. The bad news, on the other hand, is that anyone who buys a camera and knows how to click the shutter button thinks of themselves as a photographer. So, take time to do some research, and ask to see samples of their portfolio, if you think that’s necessary.
Finally, don’t just put the calendar in your partner’s hands. Make it a special occasion. It doesn’t have to be something too complicated or costly. Just think of something you both enjoy and do your best to create a great moment for both of you.
We look forward to seeing your Shibari calendar.