Category: Stories and News

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A Spicy Invitation

Mr. Stanton was my teacher at law school. That’s why I call him “Mr. Stanton” and not Oliver. He was an admired, respected teacher, with a couple of books under his belt and over two decades of a Roman Law class that was always full. That’s why, when I got a spicy invitation from him,…
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Choosing the Best Rope

I work as a clerk in a sex shop. Now, believe me, it’s not as glamorous as it sounds. In the end, a clerk is a clerk, and a job is a job. There are, of course, occasions when a sexy customer comes in. When that happens, I enjoy helping them find what they’re looking…
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You Don’t Get It

You don’t get it. You just don’t get it. I know that you don’t like Gilbert. I understand that, from your point of view, he’s in your dad’s place, and that’s not fair. But try to listen to me. I’ll explain it to you as best as I can. Because, so far, you don’t get…
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No Shibari on the First Date

A lot can be said about first dates. Basically, some of them go well, and some of them go wrong. Indeed, the Internet is full of anecdotes of people who had an awful time on that first encounter. And there’s no happily married couple who didn’t have one. However, one thing is for sure: you…
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Underground Shibari

As in “underground,” underground Shibari refers to bondage practices surrounded by secrecy. The purpose is to make the sessions and the scenes even more exciting. It is difficult to find information about underground Shibari, but this is what we have found out so far. The most usual form of underground Shibari is secret Shibari parties.…
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A Practice or a Lifestyle

Kinky and BDSM are words that can refer both to a set of practices and, in a wider sense, to a whole lifestyle. This comes as no surprise. The same thing happens with yoga, for example. For some people, it’s just a set of exercises; for others, it is a complete spirituality. In the case…
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The Boring Parts of Shibari

Any activity has a boring side to it. Driving is exciting, whereas mechanics are boring. Sports are great, but you have to spend many hours in the gym to be at the top level. For some people, these boring aspects ruin the whole experience. However, it is actually the commitment to the difficult, unattractive side…
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BDSM in the Family

Most people wouldn’t think of BDSM as something to do together as a family. Usually, people try more ordinary activities, such as fishing, camping, or having a backyard barbecue. So, why talk about BDSM in the family? Because times are changing, and what we considered impossible yesterday is now possible. Doing something outside of the…
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Group Shibari

We usually think of bondage as a matter for couples. You know, a rigger, a bottom, and a lot of ropes. However, nowadays, many people are considering group Shibari as an option. Now, before we go on, let’s make it clear what we mean by group Shibari. It is a bondage scene in which there…
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The Experience of Hojojutsu

Last week, there was a restraint exhibition, which we attended. It included a Hojojutsu demonstration. As any bondage enthusiast knows, Hojojutsu was a form of military restraint and torture from which Shibari eventually derived. Therefore, it was interesting to go back to the basics and have the experience of Hojujutsu, or, as one of the…
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